Upcoming workshops:


Within: Rediscover Your Worthiness, A Day Retreat

As women and femme-identified folx, we are conditioned into believing false truths that we aren't enough; that we need to strive for perfection of some kind; and we need to establish our worthiness by competing in a systemic game of social hierarchies. The ways that the feminine have been stripped of power can be overt or subtle. We will unpack everything in-between; covering feelings of 'too much' or 'not enough', judgment, societal and family expectations, body-image, internalized patriarchy and more. Our hope is that by coming together in community, we can tend to the parts of us that need reminding of their goodness and loveability; and gather clarity on the ways to live more contently with our inner world, more often. This space is here to hold your exploration of self and relationship to others; to look at what is holding you back in life; and what you want more of. Join Kind Yoga and myself for an immersive day retreat up on the Cheekeye Ranch in Squamish. Coming early Spring 2024!


Space for the Space Holders

A monthly container for the helpers (psychotherapists, coaches, facilitators, social workers, psychologists, breathwork guides etc) to unwind, connect, and be in community care with other open-hearted space holders.

This is an intentional outlet for the helpers to be held for a couple of hours; take their professional hat off; process/work through common experiences we face in our respective fields in a group setting (ex: burn out, insecurities, boundaries, leadership, intuition and more); exploration through questions to support your practice; grounding your nervous system through a nourishing breathwork practice; and develop genuine connections over tea and snacks. Please reach out to join the waitlist.


From Within: A community group cultivating the foundation for self-security.

Feeling not enough or too much? Empty or lonely? Are you ready to embrace your mind and body to feel more secure? Only when we have a secure base in relationships, can we take risks, be creative, and pursue our dreams.


If we don’t create a secure base within self (self-security), we have a much harder time maintaining focus and engaging in life.

This is no coincidence that you've made it here; now is the time to come back home and create a foundation of self-security, that can hold you in all of life’s challenges. From Within is a 2-month live, interactive experience where we activate and explore the ingredients that can bring us into deep alignment, and self-love. Together, we will shed layers of fear and step further into the light of acceptance. You will be seen (it sounds scary but oh how beautiful it is), you will witness others, and tap into a gentle space inside. Come connect with like-minded souls who are ready to walk alongside you in individual and collective healing.


Why this group is different:

From Within, is a focal expression of the deep inner work I do with my clients. It is a blend of the latest neuroscience research, attachment theory, my clinical experience, and intuitive/spiritual insights. The “work” focuses on:


·      Un-conditioning people pleasing & co-dependency

·      Improving self-esteem and body image; through self trust, compassion, and respect

·      Identifying the personal impacts of systemic oppression

·      Transforming our shadow parts & limiting beliefs

·      Moving into congruence with values, emotions, beliefs

·      Activating choice, to choose new ways of being in relationship with self & others

·      Taking responsibility for this one precious life


From Within is a multi-faceted experience that includes the live group sessions, journaling prompts, guided meditations, and connection!

Plus curated content, and resources should you want to deepen your experience. It is designed to be playful and expansive; life is about duality, balancing both depth and levity.


What’s Included:

·    8 Weekly Live video sessions: Themed content each week, building off of last; group collaboration/discussion; Q + A; playtime and practice; AND guided meditations.

·    Intentional limited space (6) to create an intimate & connective group dynamic.

·    Recordings of the videos for your reference; journal prompts, resources, embodiment practices, integration rituals, and a special guest workshop with a magical practitioner.


The details:

·    8 x 90 minutes sessions

·    Starting at 5:30 PM (PST) on Wednesday July 14th 2021

·    Offered via a secure zoom platform 


Pricing options:

 ·    1 payment of $560 CAN + gst

 ·    2 payments of $280 CAN +gst

*Participation is highly encouraged; the more you put in, the more you will get out of this experience. We heal in community and we need each other now more than ever. This is a space for you to be honest, let down the masks, and show up just as you are.


Beyond Reflection: A community group walking one another home.

Feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable in your body? Out of control or over controlling with food? Are you ready to ditch disordered eating and embrace your mind & body to feel more whole & grounded?


Now is the time to come back home to yourself and create a nurturing space for you to experience all life has in store for you. Beyond Reflection is a 2.5-month live, interactive experience where we activate and explore the ingredients that can bring us into deep alignment, and self-love. Together, we will unpack our relationships to our bodies and food, shed layers of shame and step further into our inherent power. You will be seen (it sounds scary but is so rewarding), you will witness others, and will be invited to take up more space as you step more fully into yourself. Come connect with like-minded souls who are ready to walk alongside you in individual and collective healing.


Why this group is different:

Beyond Reflection, is a compilation of the therapeutic work I have done myself and with clients, to find freedom from disordered eating and body hatred. It is a blend of the latest neuroscience research, attachment theory, eating disorder research, my clinical experience, and intuitive/spiritual insights. The “work” focuses on:


·      Creating safety in the body

·      Decoding myths and stigmas of eating disorders/ disordered eating

·      Understanding our nervous system in relation to disordered thoughts & behaviours

·      Implicit and explicit messaging from diet culture

·      Looking at forming experiences and tending to the wounded inner child

·      Un-conditioning people pleasing & self-abandonment; develop supportive boundaries

·      Intuitive eating tools and practices

·      Improving self-esteem and body image; through compassion, trust and respect

·      Reclamation of comfort and trust when sharing your body with others

·      Taking responsibility for this one precious life; explore purpose


Beyond Reflection is a multi-faceted experience that includes the live group sessions, journaling prompts, guided meditations, and connection!

Plus curated content, and resources should you want to deepen your experience. This group is for anyone ready to look beyond their reflection for worth, love, and purpose.


What’s Included:

·    10 Weekly Live video sessions: Themed content each week, building off of last; group discussion; Q + A; playtime and practice; AND guided meditations.

·    Intentional limited space (7) to create an intimate & connective group dynamic.

·    Journal prompts, resources, embodiment practices, & TWO different special guest workshops with amazing practitioners.


The details:

·    10 x 90 minute sessions

·    Starting at 5:30 PM (PST) on Wednesday September 29th 2021 (with a gap week November 10th)

·    Offered via a secure zoom platform 


Pricing options:

 ·    1 payment of $750 CAN + gst

 ·    2 payments of $375 CAN +gst

 ·    3 payments of $250 CAN + gst

*Participation is highly encouraged; the more you put in, the more you will get out of this experience. We heal in community and we need each other now more than ever. This is a space for you to be honest, look beyond your reflection, and show up just as you are.