Book an appointment with me.

Please fill out the form below to request your appointment. I will be in touch with in 48 hours to complete your booking.

Alternatively, you can add yourself to the waitlist here.


You can contact me directly by email or phone (604) 356-5577 so that we can briefly discuss your needs and to see if we will be a good fit.  Phone consultations are free and usually take about 15 minutes.  If I am unable to answer your call, please leave me a message with your contact information and your call will be returned within 1 to 2 business days.

In the first session together, you and I will go over the confidentiality agreement and consent form. Along with orienting in the therapeutic process, a general history will be taken and discussion of your current issues and purpose for seeking counselling.  This session is for you and I to decide if the connection is a good fit for therapy and the work you hope to accomplish.